Sebagai Sisters Franciscan, kesatria pertama kita adalah saksi kehidupan penyerahan kita kepada kesucian Gereja. Mengingat perkataan Kristus "Kamu adalah garam bumi; ... kamu adalah terang dunia." Mt5: 13-16. Kami cuba menyebarkan lebih banyak dengan contoh daripada dengan kata-kata berita gembira cinta Kristus. Kami berharap dengan kehadiran kita, kita boleh menarik lelaki untuk memikirkan Tuhan dan nilai rohani dan syurgawi.
Jemaah kita akan menguruskan apostolate ini.
- Pendidikan - Pendidikan Nursery, Kindergarten, Rendah, Menengah, Pendidikan bukan formal dan tidak formal
- Pembentukan Katekstik / Iman (kaunseling) - Arahan agama, Sekolah Minggu dan bentuk pembentukan iman yang lain..
- Perkhidmatan Perubatan dan Kebajikan - Penjagaan Kesihatan, Penjagaan orang sakit, Zaman, rumah penjagaan, penjagaan yang kurang dari segi sosial.
- Aktiviti Pastoral - Involestasi dalam pelbagai aktiviti dan pergerakan komuniti Parish. Menjaga kanak-kanak perempuan di rumah perlindungan..
St Francis dengan orang kusta
St. Francis bertemu dengan manusia yang "orang kusta" dengan melihat di luar penampilan luar dan kecederaan orang kusta dan begitu menemui Kristus di kalangan orang miskin dan yang terpinggir. Jemaah, oleh itu, menegaskan visi dan misi untuk bekerja lebih baik di kalangan golongan miskin, golongan muda dan golongan yang memerlukan dalam masyarakat kita.Kehidupan Solat
Sisters mesti mendedikasikan sebahagian besar masa mereka setiap hari kepada doa peribadi dan komuniti. Doa peribadi dari anggota gereja ditawarkan kepada Bapa melalui Kristus dalam Roh Kudus, dan oleh itu selalu diperlukan dan patut dipuji. Doa komuniti mempunyai martabat istimewa sejak Kristus sendiri berkata, "Di mana dua atau tiga bertemu dengan nama saya, saya akan berada di sana bersama mereka" Mt 18: 20. Di Liturgi Jam, Pejabat Ilahi, seperti Kristus, para Suster menganggap doa pertama mereka.
Ekaristi atau Misa adalah solat yang paling tinggi, untuk kedua-dua jemaat sejagat dan gereja setempat dan bagi setiap orang, ia adalah pusat seluruh kehidupan Kristian. Misa mencapai titik yang tinggi dari tindakan yang oleh Allah di dalam Kristus menguduskan dunia dan titik tinggi penyembahan manusia terhadap Bapa, sebagaimana mereka memuja dia melalui Kristus anaknya.
Kehidupan Keagamaan
Sister Inigo berkata sebelum Majlis Vatikan II, "Ketetapan adalah ciri kehidupan agama". Hari ini, kehidupan keagamaan adalah radikal; kami mempunyai jalan baru untuk berjalan, cara hidup baru dalam kehidupan keagamaan. Hidup lebih fleksibel, dan terdapat kementerian baru untuk menghadapi cabaran baru. Tuhan berminat dalam misi, dalam memanggil dan menghantar. Misi adalah untuk menyembuhkan, untuk memaafkan, untuk menyebarkan berita cinta.
Yesaya: 6: 8 - Dan aku mendengar suara Tuhan berkata, "Siapakah yang akan Kuutus dan siapakah yang akan pergi kepada-Ku?"
Apa yang kita lakukan
Rumah untuk Zaman.
Miri (St Francis Xavier Convent)
Misi kita
Hidup dalam kesederhanaan dan kerendahan hati selepas contoh St Francis Assisi, dan komitmen diri kita kepada kehidupan penukaran diri, penyucian agama dan pelayanan yang menggembirakan kepada golongan miskin, pemuda dan yang memerlukan, ketika kita menyaksikan Kristus sebagai tindak balas terhadap tanda-tanda masa dan menghormati kepercayaan orang lain.Visi Komuniti
Sebuah komuniti wanita yang matang dan berdoa penuh doa, hidup dengan gembira dan penuh kasih yang saling mendukung dalam karya-karya apostolik yang berlainan untuk kemuliaan Allah.
Misi Komuniti
Komuniti wanita yang ditahbiskan, mengikuti contoh St Francis of Assisi, berkomitmen untuk berkenalan dengan Tuhan melalui doa, penukaran diri dan pembentukan diri dan orang lain yang berterusan, dan kehidupan kesederhanaan, kerendahan hati, amal dan perpaduan ketika kita berkongsi dengan murah hati dan bertanggungjawab masa, bakat dan sumber kita dengan satu sama lain dan lain-lain, terutama golongan miskin, remaja, dan yang memerlukan
Sejarah Ringkas
Berikut adalah sejarah ringkas dari Kuching ke Miri.
Sarawak, Borneo Utara dan Brunei diamanahkan kepada Persatuan Mubaligh Mill Hill yang berpusat di England
1885 Jul 05
Ketibaan pertama lima Sister Sisters of the Heart of the Sacred Heart ke St Sarawak
1928 Jan 10
Kebenaran pertama untuk penubuhan institusi Sisterhood di Sarawak untuk kaum Cina dan kaum lain di bawah pemerintahan Ketiga St Francis Assisi. Fr A. Hopfgartner kemudiannya diminta oleh Msgr Edmund Dunn untuk menulis buku peraturan untuk Sisters. Sekitar enam bulan kemudian pada 26 Julai selepas mendapat persetujuan oleh Jemaah Suci untuk Keagamaan, Msgr Edmund Dunn, Prefektur Apostolik Sarawak, secara rasmi mengeluarkan perintah untuk mendirikan Little Sisters of St. Francis of Sarawak. Enam bulan kemudian pada 03 Disember, Little Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak telah ditubuhkan secara rasmi
Pekerjaan Jepun di Sarawak, semua kegiatan para Sisters Franciscan telah berakhir.
Suster-suster tersebar di semua arah, ada yang berlindung di kalangan penduduk tempatan dan penduduk asli.
1946 Jan
Selepas perang, pada bulan Januari 1946, semua Sisters tempatan diminta kembali berundur di Kuching dan mengucapkan tahniah kepada mereka. Sejak itu, The Little Sisters berkembang ke bahagian lain di Sarawak. Tugas mereka kini termasuk menjaga orang sakit dan tua, pesakit luar dan pesakit luar di Rumah Kejururawatan.
1957 21 Mei
Ibu Rita Smith, Fr Harry Van Erp MHM, Fr Francis Hulsbosch MHM dan Ibu Margaret Sim membuat lawatan rasmi pertama ke Long San dengan niat untuk menubuhkan komuniti di sana.
1958 Jan18
Ibu Margaret Sim bersama empat adik perempuan lain tiba dan menetap di Long San.
Kewajipan mereka terutamanya terlibat dalam apostolik perubatan, sosial, kesusasteraan dan pendidikan. Ibu Margaret dan Sister Winifred yang lain kemudian dibawakan bidan dan mereka bekerja di Hospital Mission yang melayani Kenyahs, Kayans dan kaum pribumi yang lain di pedalaman Baram.
1964 Apr
Biara St Bernadette telah dibuka secara rasmi oleh Bishop Anthony Galvin. Ibu Magdalen Liew bersama empat adik perempuan lain ditempatkan di sana. Ibu Magdalen dan Sister Beatrice terlibat dalam pengajaran, kesusasteraan dan kerja pastoral manakala dua adik perempuan lain, Sister Bridget dan Sister Paula menjaga biarawan, asrama, sakral dan perkhidmatan penting lainnya.
1968 Jan 04
Perkembangan selanjutnya membawa kepada pembukaan Conventin Miri St Francis Xavier oleh Bishop Anthony Galvin.
1993 Mei03
Semasa mesyuarat Major Superiors di Rom, Ibu Theresa menandatangani buku nota Flora "menyimpan kegembiraan mengasihi Yesus di dalam hati anda dan berkongsi kegembiraan ini dengan semua yang anda temui terutama komuniti anda."
Sejak itu, dengan pengambilan secara beransur-ansur oleh kerajaan sekolah dan klinik yang dahulu dikendalikan oleh Sisters, Sisters kini bebas untuk memasuki bidang kerja baru.
1998 Disember03
Kesuciannya John Paul II memberi kesan positif kepada Berkah Apostolik khusus kepada Sisters St Francis of Sarawak, pada kesempatan ulang tahun ke-70 yayasan mereka, sebagai ikrar Perlindungan Ilahi yang berterusan.
Bintulu (Biara St Agnes)
Mengurus gereja
Katekis dan Sakristi.
Sila datang untuk melawat kami atau tulis kepada kami di
Sister in Charge
St Francis Xavier's Convent
No 29, Lot 835, Lorong 6
Jee Foh Road,
98008 Miri
St Francis Xavier's Convent
No 29, Lot 835, Lorong 6
Jee Foh Road,
98008 Miri
English Translation Text
As Franciscan Sisters, our first apostolate is the witness of our consecration life to the holiness of the Church. Bearing in mind the words of Christ "You are the salt of the earth; are the light of the world." Mt5:13-16. We try to propagate more by example than by words the good news of Christ love. We hope by our presence we may draw men to think of God and of spiritual and heavenly values.
Our congregation shall undertake these apostolate.
- Education - Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, Formal, Non formal and Informal Education.
- Catechetical/Faith formation (counseling) - Religious instruction, Sunday School and other forms of faith formation.
- Medical and Welfare Services - Health Care, Care of the sick, the Age, nursing homes, care of the socially deprived.
- Pastoral Activities - Involvements in varies Parish community activities and movements. Taking care of girls in the shelter homes.
St Francis with the Leper
St. Francis encountered the human person of "The leper" by looking beyond the external appearance and woundedness of the leper and so encountered Christ in the poor and the marginalized. The congregation, therefore, reaffirms its vision and mission to work preferably among the poor, the youth and the needy in our society.
The Eucharist or Mass is the highest of all prayers, for both the universal and the local church and for each person, it is the centre of the whole Christian life. The Mass reaches the high point of the action by which God in Christ sanctifies the world and the high point of men's worship of the Father, as they adore him through Christ his son.
Religious Life
Sister Inigo said before Vatican Council II, " Regularity was the hallmark of religious life". Today, religious life is radical; we have new roads to walk, new way of living the religious life. Life is more flexible, and there are new ministries to meet new challenges. God is interested in mission, in calling and sending. Mission is to heal, to forgive, to spread news of love.
Isaiah:6:8 - And, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, " Whom shall I send and who will go for me?"
Then I said " Here am I, send me"
What We Do
Human Life Services.
Marudi ( St Bernadette Convent)
Boarding School Matron
Taking care of the church and convent.
Our Mission
Living in simplicity and humility after the example of St Francis of Assisi, and commit ourselves to a life of personal conversion, religious consecration and joyful service to the poor, the youth and the needy, as we witness to Christ in response to the signs of the times and with respect for other people's faith.
Community Vision
A community of mature and prayerful consecrated women, living joyfully and lovingly supporting one another in the different apostolic works for the glory of God.
Community Mission
A Community of consecrated women, following the example of St Francis of Assisi, commit ourselves to communion with God through prayer, a continuous conversion and formation of self and others, and a life of simplicity, humility, charity and solidarity as we share generously and responsibly our time, talents and resources with one another and others, especially the poor, youth, and the needy.
A Community of consecrated women, following the example of St Francis of Assisi, commit ourselves to communion with God through prayer, a continuous conversion and formation of self and others, and a life of simplicity, humility, charity and solidarity as we share generously and responsibly our time, talents and resources with one another and others, especially the poor, youth, and the needy.
Brief History
Below is a brief history from Kuching to Miri.
Below is a brief history from Kuching to Miri.
Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei was entrusted to the Mill Hill Missionary Society based in England
1885 Jul 05
The first arrival of five St Joseph Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart to Sarawak
1928 Jan 10
The first authorization for an establishment of a institution of a Sisterhood in Sarawak for the Chinese and other races under the rule of the Third Order of St Francis of Assisi. Fr A. Hopfgartner was then asked by Msgr Edmund Dunn to compose a book of rules for the Sisters . About six months later on 26 July after obtaining the approval by the Sacred Congregation for Religious, Msgr Edmund Dunn, the Prefecture Apostolic of Sarawak, formally issued the decree for the erection of the Little Sisters of St. Francis of Sarawak. Six months later on 03 December the Little Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak was officially established
The Japanese occupations in Sarawak, all the activities of the Franciscan Sisters were brought to an end.
The Sisters were scattered all over in all directions, some took refuge among the locals and natives.
1946 Jan
After the war, in January 1946, all the local Sisters were again asked to a retreat in Kuching and to pronounce their final vows. From then on, The Little Sisters expanded to other parts of Sarawak. Their duties now to include caring for the sick and aged, inpatient and outpatient in Nursing Homes.
1957 May 21
Mother Rita Smith, Fr Harry Van Erp MHM, Fr Francis Hulsbosch MHM and Mother Margaret Sim made the first official visit to Long San with the intention of setting up a community there.
1958 Jan18
Mother Margaret Sim together with four other sisters arrived and settled in Long San.
Their duties were mainly involved in medical, social, catechetical and education apostolates. Mother Margaret and another Sister Winifred were then trained midwives and they worked in the Mission Hospital which catered for the Kenyahs, Kayans and other indigenous races in the interior of the Baram.
1964 Apr
St Bernadette's Convent was officially opened by Bishop Anthony Galvin. Mother Magdalen Liew together with four other sisters were stationed there. Mother Magdalen and Sister Beatrice were involved in teaching, catechetical and pastoral work while two other sisters, Sister Bridget and Sister Paula looked after the convent, boarders, sacristy and other essential services.
1968 Jan 04
Further expansion led to the opening of St Francis Xavier's Conventin Miri by Bishop Anthony Galvin.
1993 May03
During the Major Superiors meeting in Rome Mother Theresa signed inSister Flora note book "keep the joy of loving Jesus in your hearts and share this joy with all you meet especially your community."
Since then, with the gradual take over by the government of schools and clinics formerly run by the Sisters, the Sisters were now free to enter into new fields of work.
1998 Dec03
His Holiness John Paul II paternally impacts a special Apostolic Blessing to The Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak, on the occasion of their 70th Anniversary of their foundation, as a pledge of continued Divine Protection.
Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei was entrusted to the Mill Hill Missionary Society based in England
1885 Jul 05
The first arrival of five St Joseph Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart to Sarawak
1928 Jan 10
The first authorization for an establishment of a institution of a Sisterhood in Sarawak for the Chinese and other races under the rule of the Third Order of St Francis of Assisi. Fr A. Hopfgartner was then asked by Msgr Edmund Dunn to compose a book of rules for the Sisters . About six months later on 26 July after obtaining the approval by the Sacred Congregation for Religious, Msgr Edmund Dunn, the Prefecture Apostolic of Sarawak, formally issued the decree for the erection of the Little Sisters of St. Francis of Sarawak. Six months later on 03 December the Little Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak was officially established
The Japanese occupations in Sarawak, all the activities of the Franciscan Sisters were brought to an end.
The Sisters were scattered all over in all directions, some took refuge among the locals and natives.
1946 Jan
After the war, in January 1946, all the local Sisters were again asked to a retreat in Kuching and to pronounce their final vows. From then on, The Little Sisters expanded to other parts of Sarawak. Their duties now to include caring for the sick and aged, inpatient and outpatient in Nursing Homes.
1957 May 21
Mother Rita Smith, Fr Harry Van Erp MHM, Fr Francis Hulsbosch MHM and Mother Margaret Sim made the first official visit to Long San with the intention of setting up a community there.
1958 Jan18
Mother Margaret Sim together with four other sisters arrived and settled in Long San.
Their duties were mainly involved in medical, social, catechetical and education apostolates. Mother Margaret and another Sister Winifred were then trained midwives and they worked in the Mission Hospital which catered for the Kenyahs, Kayans and other indigenous races in the interior of the Baram.
1964 Apr
St Bernadette's Convent was officially opened by Bishop Anthony Galvin. Mother Magdalen Liew together with four other sisters were stationed there. Mother Magdalen and Sister Beatrice were involved in teaching, catechetical and pastoral work while two other sisters, Sister Bridget and Sister Paula looked after the convent, boarders, sacristy and other essential services.
1968 Jan 04
Further expansion led to the opening of St Francis Xavier's Conventin Miri by Bishop Anthony Galvin.
1993 May03
During the Major Superiors meeting in Rome Mother Theresa signed inSister Flora note book "keep the joy of loving Jesus in your hearts and share this joy with all you meet especially your community."
Since then, with the gradual take over by the government of schools and clinics formerly run by the Sisters, the Sisters were now free to enter into new fields of work.
His Holiness John Paul II paternally impacts a special Apostolic Blessing to The Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak, on the occasion of their 70th Anniversary of their foundation, as a pledge of continued Divine Protection.
Please come to visit us or write to us at
The Sister in Charge
St. Francis Xavier's Convent
No29, Lot 835, Lorong 6
Jee Foh Road,
98008 Miri
St. Francis Xavier's Convent
No29, Lot 835, Lorong 6
Jee Foh Road,
98008 Miri
Kuching -
Compiled by Ben Chang