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Why Did JESUS Pray To God If He Is God??

The Ageless Habits of Jesus Christ

To focus on prayer Luke 5:16.
 Many times in Jesus’ ministry He spent time alone in prayer. Prayer is necessary even for Jesus himself and so is for every one 

“He went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12).His disciples saw him leave to pray, and later return. He also prayed with others.

Jesus Chose Solitude Over People

  • To prepare for a major task Luke 4:1-2, 14-15.
     After Jesus was baptized He spent 40 days praying in the wilderness. After this He was tempted by Satan and then began His public ministry.

  • To recharge after hard work Mark 6:30-32.Jesus sent the 12 disciples out to do ministry. When they returned He encouraged them to separate from the people who were following them to rest.

  • To work through grief Matthew 14:1-13.
     After Jesus learned that his cousin John the Baptist had been beheaded, He went away by Himself. Yes, even the Son of God grieves.

  • Before making an important decision Luke 6:12-13.
    Early in His ministry Jesus spent the whole night alone in prayer. The next day He chose his 12 disciples.

  • In a time of distress Luke 22:39-44.
    Hours before Jesus was arrested He went to the Mt. of Olives and went a short distance away from His disciples to pray. He was in great emotional agony knowing what he was about to face.

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