Mercy Family Conference

Venue :  Imperial Hotel Ballroom Miri
Date    :   27th to 29th November

Speaker : Rev. Fr. Gino Henriques from Singapore

Mercy is not an intellectual concept but a way of life that must be lived.
You and your family should be family of mercy and you should go out and touch the hearts of your neighbourhood, your society , your place of work, your nation.

Be witnesses of mercy.
-Be merciful as the Heavenly Father is merciful.
This message must be central in the family life.

-Jesus lived a life of mercy. He walks the talk with his entire life of mercy. All his actions and words reflect mercy, compassion, love, forgiveness.

-That is why Pope Francis tells us through this Year Of Mercy that mercy must be the hallmark of our life just as mercy was the hallmark of the life of Christ.

-We must celebrate the mercy of Christ everyday in our families
Fr Gino Henriques - Conclusion of Mercy Family Conference 2016 Mercy is not an intellectual concept but a way of life that must be lived. You and your family should be family of mercy and you should go out and touch the hearts of your neighbourhood, your society , your place of work, your nation. Be witnesses of mercy. -Be merciful as the Heavenly Father is merciful. This message must be central in the family life. -Jesus lived a life of mercy. He walks the talk with his entire life of mercy. All his actions and words reflect mercy, compassion, love, forgiveness. -That is why Pope Francis tells us through this Year Of Mercy that mercy must be the hallmark of our life just as mercy was the hallmark of the life of Christ. -We must celebrate the mercy of Christ everyday in our families

Mercy family conference 2nd day

Key points

- We must get our priority correct every day - God must be first. Pray and talk to God often during the day
- Couple must see God in your spouse
-A family must uplift God through prayers and bring God's redemption to the home.
-Make the family a little church and help each other through prayer, love and forgiveness
-Children are not your property. They are given to you by God.
-Children must be nurtured in the faith.
-Parents are the first teachers of their children so they must teach their children to pray.

PEACE .....the key ingredient for a happy family life
-We must rest in God always so as to experience the peace of God in the family.
-If Jesus is not there, there cannot be peace.
-Teachings of Jesus as contained in the Beatitudes....that is the key to peace
-Families nowadays torn apart by fighting for money, for property., all kinds of conflicts...that is against Christ...there can be no peace in such situations...not just the husband and wife who are affected but also their children who suffer.


Question for all....

-Meeting God within brings peace. Only that can help to sustain us through our sufferings.
-Father and mother must have peace so that they can transmit their peace to their children.
-If you have peace as parents you will nurture peace to your children.
-If you have the inner peace of God your actions and words to your children and your family will reflect this peace. You will not hurt your children and family with words and actions that hurt them.
-Attitude of pride can destroy peace
-Find ways to serve the other in the is the humble people who are

most at peace..
-Humility in spirit brings forth peace
-Be forgiving towards oneself and others.
-A forgiving person is also a peaceful person.
-A good marriage is impossible without forgiveness.
-Respect and trust your spouse; be compassionate,
-couples must be meek to each other which means be patience and be slow to anger or take offence
-There should be no suspicions
-Help each other overcome their shortcomings

Jesus was compassionate, display lowliness by living simple life, he was meek and did not react with quick anger, he was patient with the shortcomings of others including His apostles.
Couples need to follow Jesus in all these virtues so that they will have peace and this peace can then spread to the children and the family.

Compiled by Ben Chang

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