24 Hours for The Lord on 4th - 5th March

All are specially encouraged to come and spend some quiet time with the Lord in prayer and adoration!

Bishop presided over opening Mass for '24hrs for the Lord', an event Pope Francis encourage diocese, parishes and communities to participate with Him. There will be different sessions throughout the day (see comments below).

Quoting from Bishop's homily, 'Come back to the Lord, the Lord wants us to experience His love and forgiveness. This 24hrs for the Lord is not really about our gift to Him, but His gift to us, He wants us to be close to Him and He is inviting us with open arms. Let us thank God for this opportunity, and receive Him with open hearts and minds.'

'Love God and your neighbour', Bishop also tells us that this is the most important teaching of Jesus. To love God with all our hearts, minds, our whole being, to love others. We, sometimes harden our hearts and chose not to listen to the Word. But today good news is Jesus is inviting us again to go back to the right path, the path of love.

"The initiative of 24 Hours for the Lord, to be celebrated on Friday and Saturday preceding the Fourth Week of Lent, should be implemented in every diocese. So, many people, including young people are returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation; through this experience they are rediscovering a path back to the Lord, living a moment of intense prayer and finding meaning in their lives. Let us place the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the centre once more in such a way that it will enable people to touch the grandeur of God's mercy with their own hands. For every penitent, it will be a source of interior peace. - Pope Francis

Our Diocese will be joining Catholics around the World to celebrate God's mercy.

Carmelite Chapel (Eng)
Time: 12 noon on 4th -
12 noon on 5th

Today, together let us pray for one another! And tell our Lord Jesus "Lord, I want to be like You, teach me"

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Gereja Katolik Miri
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