Venue : Carmelite’s Chapel
Date : Saturday, 21st July, 2018 Time: 8.00 a.m.
2016 - she took her simple vow
2018 - Took the Carmelite solemn profession
Tugas utama Karmelite
Tugus utama Sister Karmelite adalah berdoa. Doa adalah cara kaarmelite menjalankan penginjilan mereka, dan melalui doa, mereka menjangkaui seluruh dunia, gereja, mua-mudi, orang yang sakit dan yang tua; dan terutamanya para paderi. Mereka menyerahkan seluruh kehidupan mereka untuk melayani Tuhan melalui kehidupan berdoa, pengorbanan, berkerja keras dan kesenyapan.
Prayer is the Carmelite Nun's form of apostolate, and through it she reaches out to the world, the church, the young, the sick and elderly but most especially, to priests. They offer whole of their life to serve God through prayers, sacrifice, manual labour and silence.
Family members
Peringkat Pembentukan karmelite Sister
1. Entrance - Kemasukan ke Karmel
2. Postulant
3. Novice
4. Simple Profession
5. Solemn Profession
6 bulan hingga 1 tahun, pada masi ini, calon Sister akan mempelajari dan merasal kehidupan di dalam karmel.
Pada masa ini seorang Postulant akan menerima baji Karmelite (Habit), dan cakib Sister akan dipanggil Novice. Jangka masa sebgai Novice adalah 1 tahun.
Calon sister akan meneruskan peljarannya dalam mempelajari kehidupan kerohanian Karmelite dan peraturan karmelite yang diturunkan oleh St Teresa dari Avila ( Santa yang mengubal kehidupan Discalced Karmelite.)
Perjanjian Sementara
Seorang novice akan melafazkan perjanjian untuk hidup suci,miskin dan taat untuk masa 3 tahun
Perjanjian kekal
Menerima Veil Hitam, dan menjadi pengantin Kristus seumur hidup!
6 months to 1 year, during which the candidate learns and experiences the cloistered Carmelite life.
1 year, beginning with the reception of the traditional Carmelite habit; continuing training and formation in the spiritual life and Holy Rule of ST. Teresa of Avila.
Temporary Profession:
3 years under the religious vows of poverty, chastity and obedience
Perpetual Profession: (Solemn Profession)
Reception of the black veil. a bride of Christ forever!
Kehidupan Karmelite -The Daily life of a Carmelite Nun
4.30am Rise
4.55am Divine Office - lauds
One hour mental(personal) prayer
6.15am Holy Mass followed by 15 min thanksgiving
Divine Office - Tierce
7.20am Breakfast and time for working-
(cooking, washing, cleaning, baking, gardening etc)
10.55am Divine office - Sexta
7 min examination of conscience
11.55am Midday meal followed by Community washing
11.55am Recreation
12.55pm Siesta ( time to rest)
2.00pm Divine Office - None
Followed by Spiritual reading
3.00pm Visit to the Blessed Sacrament
4.40pm Divine Office - Vespers
Second hour mental( personal) prayer
6.00pm Evening meal followed by community washing
6.55pm Night Recreation
7.55pm Rosary, examination of conscience and
Divine Office - compline
9.30pm Divine Office - Matin
Examination of conscience
10.30pm Night Clapper, Bed time